Our Story

We met in our teens while we worked in a restaurant, when we finished we would walk together to the bus stop. Chris eventually asked for my phone number and I said “yeah if you want” and from there on the adventures began. Almost 8 years later I pretty much say “if you want” to most of Chris’s crazy, random ideas and I organize and create the plans (He’s the dreamer and She’s the catcher)

After a 3 week holiday in Austrailia, we dreamed about going back for longer. Would this be possible for us? We spoke many times about how our life could be, where we could go, what we could do. We were young it took us a while to get our act together and finally the saving began. While studying and working constantly we focused and just over 3years later we reached our goals. After we got engaged skydiving in 2012 at 21 and 23 we said goodbye to our homeland (Scotland) our winter warmers & wellies and embarked into the unknown land down under!

Originally for a 1 year working holiday visa but we knew within a few months of being away that we loved traveling and figured out how to extend our stay which included orange picking for 3months while camping in the outback. It took some dedication and tough decision making to happen but we made it work! Along the way we have met so many amazing people from all over the world. By sharing stories of our journeys we inspire and are inspired so much that it feels like every time we tick off a place from our bucket list we have to replace that with 2 more. For us to fulfil our dreams of course we need money, we try hard to budget but we do enjoy a little luxury in life from time to time and don’t want skip things like scuba diving on the Great Barrier Reef  or riding elephants in Chaing Mai. We have had many random jobs to help fund our travels from working in theme parks to running a restaurant on a tropical island all to keep us on the road.

Our 2nd year visa expired and we had some decisions to make.. where next? We explored Southeast Asia on our way home. We landed home for the first time in two years we weren’t sure how long for. Nic was lucky and took a career break before we left and came back to her job and Chris landed a decent agency chef job. During our year at home we spent well earned time with our families, took trips in the UK and Europe and even spent the summer in India. We know that travel is a huge form of education for us and there were many adventures still to be had. So we saved hard for the last few months of the year and quit our jobs to take a trip in South America. During this trip we are learning Spanish and are completing a tefl course to open up another door of endless possibilities.

We are now writing this blog to update our family, friends and fellow travellers on our journey. Travel isn’t always easy, at times it’s not as glamorous as everyone thinks but on the flip side it’s so much better than you can ever imagine. We are here to share our knowledge, epic experiences and stories about genuine people who have touched our hearts and opened our minds along the way.  During our journey we have been through a lot of ups and downs (mostly ups) which in turn led us to learn many valuable life lessons. We want to share our life with you and hope to inspire others to chase their dreams whatever they may be.

Peace and love where ever you are in life

Chris & Nic